Monday, June 21, 2010

Bwarny is about to gain some muchness!

I found out today that I made one of the smallest mistakes, that just happens to have the biggest impact on my life.

And no I am not pregnant (so don't freak out there boyfriend). I didn't cheat either. Funnily enough this mistake has nothing to do with sex.

It is the stupidest thing I have ever done but I don't plan on telling you what it is. What I will tell you is that I am fed up with doing the right thing and waiting for life to come and fine me. I am determined to go out there and get what I want.

Ok so I don' exactly know what I want (it changes daily) but I know I don't ever want to be stuck in my parents house crying into my pillow playing "what if" in my mind.

All those what if's, all those crazy imaginary ideas and plans are going to move from dreams to reality.

Even if I fail miserably I am going to have one hell of an adventure trying.

What if # 1:

Start and continue to write a blog.

As you can see I started this little waste of time 2 years ago... but its about to experience rebirth (kick-ass Joss Whedon-vampire style).

So no one is actually reading this now and probably never will but fuck that at least I will leave something more than mascara on my pillow when I die.

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