Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Joss Whedon, Journeys and Jetlag

Ok so uber much has happened since my last post... So here's what you missed.

There was an election... but no one won.
Bob Catter for Prime Minister.
There is a Green in the the house of Reps... Way to represent Adam Brant.
Only one more episode of True Blood season 3.


I was in the same room as Joss Whedon!

I know some of you are saying - who the hell is Joss Whedon and why are you so excited about breathing the same air as him... to those people I say "grrr arhg". If your still have no idea what I'm talking about I say, Google It. Otherwise all you have to know is that on Sunday 29th August at the Sydney Opera House I achieved one of my dreams.

In case you didn't know, I want to be a writer (duh). Any kind of writer would do but I guess it's no secret that there is a specific kind of writer in my mind when I say that.

One like this:

(That's Joss Whedon btw)

I want to create something so amazing that people are still in love with the characters for years after it's cancelled (and it will be cancelled like anything good).

I want to create something like this:

Yes that is "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" - only like the greatest television show ever. It was such a ground breaking show that it was the first to tell is that bad ass blonde vampires are way hotter then boring broody brunettes (See, Angel/Spike or Bill/Eric).

Anyway here are some highlights of the show.

So Joss came out on Concert Hall stage at the Opera House (I had grand seats, I could almost smell him). He talked about wonderful things but most importantly he talked about the "why".

Why did so many people come to see a writer talk?
Why do people love his shows?
And why does he continually write adolescent girls with super powers?

Apparently it comes from the dark place (but not the lady part). FEAR! Which is as a writer is like duh! I mean I'm pretty sure most writers write out of fear. But it was nice to know I am not the only crazy loner person who creates characters that are both there to rescue me and are manifestations of myself.

Writing tip - Always write from the Dark Place.

So he talked about writing for a bit - I was in such a fangirl haze that I can't really remember the details. All I know is it was awesome!

Then guess who came out to interview him - Will Anderson.

Ok so I should have guessed that after years of listening to him talk about Buffy on his Triple J radio show. It was one of my highlights of the week as I glued my ears to his hilarious but loving commentary of my favourite show. In fact the day after the last episode of Buffy aired in Australia they had a special morning panel about Buffy and Will was one of the panellist.

After we watched will fan fap himself over being able to talk to Joss Whedon there was question time by the audience. Some of the questions were worth while some were not... In fact there were two questions about the lameness of Twilight. The first one was a little bit more subtle then the second but I mean come one people GET OVER IT, your wasting valuable Joss time. Which is exactly why I didn't ask a question - I wasn't capable of making sentences at the time, it would have turned out something like "Hi, umm, arghhhhh, yeah, I love you, and umm, can I touch you?" As I will one day be working with him I thought it wouldn't be appropriate.

The day ended with Joss sort of jumping of Will Anderson and hugging him (making his and my life a little bit more complete).

Also I travelled to England!

Yes that's right... I made the long arduous Journey from the merry old land of Oz to the motherland.

The less said about the journey the better I think.

It was long... really really really long. Like really really really long. Next time I'm like "I wanna visit the other side of the world I shall think twice" it was so long.

But apart from that it was good. Not bumpy and I even got some sleep. Emirates was lovely I would recommend them and all that.

I didn't spend enough time in Dubai to talk much but the airport was bloody busy for 5am in the morning. When did the world get so many people? It was scary. But I have pretty much learnt that airports are just the same anywhere... lots of shops and bars such.

Like this:

Not all that interesting really.

I made it to London (FINALLY) and me and mum caught the fast train to London. There is free Wifi on the train - EPIC! We ended up at PADDINGTON STATION! Totally a true story.

Is that Paddington Station? Why yes, yes it is.

It's 2 am in the morning and I am starting to feel tired again. Damn jetlag. So I am outs... Check back for more soon.



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