Friday, September 17, 2010

True Blood awesomeness - Preview

I just watched the True Blood season 3 final and it blew me away. I can't say too much because it has not yet aired in Australia but just you wait.

I have read the books - so I pretty much thought I knew what was going to happen (in a round about way) but it was just epic. The only problem is that I have to wait forever for the next season to start! SUX!

But it does mean that we have months of predictions and guesses (all spoiler free of course) ahead of us.

For those of you who have not yet entered into the wonderful world of Sookie Stackhouse either on television or in print here is something to wet your appetite...

Also I'm in Paris... and well this ones for my Mum.

By the way, we walked all the way down the Champs Elysees and it was a rather busy... boulevard.

More tales from London and such coming tomorrow.



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